After placing third in the ROTC division the year before, the Wildcat Battalion brought home a large, bronze first-place eagle trophy in 2010! The Cadets began training months in advance, to secure the title. The team consisted of seven young men with only three new members added since the prior…
UK Army ROTC Big Blue Madness Recruiting Event – Fall 2009
The United States Army Cadet Command and US Army Recruiting Command sponsored Big Blue Madness with “Strength” t-shirts, an Army ROTC commercial, and raffle prizes. The Cadets helped lead fans toward the recruitment tables and provide security. Once everyone was in Rupp Arena, the Battalion had…
UK Army ROTC Military Appreciation Day Participation – 2010
The ROTC programs and UK Athletics partnered to recognize service men and women and veterans. The Army and Air Force Cadets had the privilege of running onto the field with the UK Football team before the game. They also unfurled a field-sized American flag on the football field. The US Army…
UK Army ROTC Joint Military Ball - 2011
The Army and Air Force ROTC programs held a Joint Military Ball on April 8 at The Hilton, downtown Lexington. General Jack I. Gregory, USAF, Retired was the guest speaker. His lovely wife, Mrs. Jane Gregory accompanied him. We also had a large presence from the Arts and Sciences Dean’s office at…
UK Army ROTC Polar Plunge Participation - 2010
Part of being a leader is helping the community. As a philanthropy event, the program took the plunge to benefit the Special Olympics. Participants made a donation and then jumped into cold water, outside, during the winter. Nine Cadets and LCT Cummins participated in the event at one of the…
UK Army ROTC Ball Relay (UK versus UofL Football Game) - Fall 2011
UK football head coach Joker Phillips presented Army ROTC cadets the game ball which they preceded to relay from Shelbyville to Louisville for the kickoff of the football team's season opener against the Louisville Cardinals. September 4, 2011 Photos by Britney McIntosh | Staff
UK Army ROTC Tandem Jump - 2010
During 2010, a partnership formed by the UK Army ROTC Program, UK Athletics, and the Golden Knights for the Military Appreciation football game events. The Golden Knights extended an invitation to UK Athletics Director, Mitch Barnhart, to do a tandem jump with them. He graciously accepted and…
UK Army ROTC Commissioning Ceremony – Summer 2011
Our summer commissioning ceremony took place in the Recital Hall of the Singletary Arts Center on Friday, August 12, 2011. We commissioned five Cadets and had a reception immediately following the ceremony.
UK Army ROTC Awards Ceremony –Spring 2013
Spring 2013 semester saw the largest amount of outside awards presented to our Cadets with many guest presenters. We honored Cadets for their achievements in academics and ROTC during the previous semester. During the awards ceremony the Battalion bade farewell to LTC Cummins and MSG Skinner.…
UK Army ROTC Fall Leadership Labs – 2014
AMS 250/AMS 350 - Basic course cadets gain hands on experience with the skills and procedures they have learned in class. The MS3 and MS4 classes prepare and execute the weekly leadership labs for basic course.
UK Army ROTC Fund Drive – Spring 2012
April 21, 2012 the Army ROTC Wildcat Battalion kicked off a fundraising drive to help fund Phase 2 renovations to the General Don Carlos Buell Armory and Barker Hall at UK. The Armory is one of the oldest buildings on campus and was in great need of modern upgrades. Originally finished in 1901,…
UK Army ROTC Flat Stanley Visit – 2012
Flat Stanley is a project where elementary students create a paper person to send around to friends and relatives. While Stanley is travelling, his host keeps track of the adventures he encounters. During the fall 2012 semester, MSG Lehman brought Flat Stanley for a day with the Wildcat…
UK Army ROTC Joint Field Training Exercises (FTX) – Spring 2013
The Wildcat Battalion partnered with the University of Louisville and University of Dayton for Spring Field Training Exercises at Camp Atterbury, Indiana. The Cadets conducted Land and Navigation training, staged attacks and ambushes, tackled the Air Assault obstacle course, and had the…
UK Army ROTC Awards Ceremony – Spring 2014
Cadets were honored for their achievements in academics and ROTC. We recognized achievements such as Top PT Score (male and female), Most Outstanding Cadet for each class, and new Ranger and Pershing Rifle members. Also, the Pershing Rifles named Major Marchetti an honorary member in…
E-Waste - Katherine Behar
University of Kentucky's College of Arts and Sciences and School of Art and Visual Studies welcomed Brooklyn-based, interdisciplinary artist Katherine Behar to campus as part of a two-week residency. The public was invited to experience Behar's work as well through "E-Waste," a free public…
Meet Sean Bemis
Sean Bemis, an assistant professor in Earth and Environmental Science, studies the deformation of the tectonic plates that make up the earth’s crust. When he’s not out in the field “playing in the dirt,” as he would say, Bemis is in his renovated lab space in Slone Research Building, which is…
2014 Spooktacular Celebration
On Thursday, October 30th the departments of Chemistry and Physics/Astronomy met for their first annual “Spooktacular Celebration”. The afternoon event included a chili cook-off judged by all in attendance by ballot.
There was also a costume contest which was judged by Brad Harrington,…
The Sweet Side of Chemistry: Candy
In celebration of National Chemistry Week, the University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry presented a demonstration show on Friday October 24, 2014. This fun-filled evening has become a much-anticipated annual event. Students of the department inform, entertain and amaze the audience of all…
2014 Distinguished UK Geology Alumni Award Presentation and Rast-Holbrook Seminar
The 2014 Distinguished UK Geology Alumni Award presentation was held October 9 prior to the Rast-Holbrook Seminar.
Wendell Overcash (UK B.S. Geology 1977, UK Law 1980), the Chair of the Geology Alumni Advisory board served as master of ceremonies. The full citations will be available…
Greenhouse - Local Food Field Trip
Greenhouse students visited the Lexington Farmers Market and met with the markets business manager to learn how the market is run. Next they headed to Seedleaf and met with the director before spending some time helping in the new 'food forest' being installed in Lexington.
Greenhouse Induction Ceremony
Greenhouse students were welcomed into the program at the community induction ceremony.
Newly inducted Greenhouse students met the program’s faculty directors, undergraduate instructional assistants and program administrators. They had a chance to meet up with their peer mentors and get…
Sustainable UK at K-Week
The CAFE Environmental Programs K Week event offered students a chance to learn more the college's majors and programs with an environment and sustainability focus.
Students were able to enjoy local foods such as hamburgers from Marksbury Farm Market, brats from the UK Butcher Shop, buns…
Dean's Circle Greenhouse Visit
A&S Dean’s Circle members were on campus October 10, 2014 to meet up with Dean Mark Kornbluh, and hear about all of the exciting initiatives that are taking place in the College and at UK.
The group took a tour of Greenhouse – the new Environment & Sustainability Residential…
Hall of Fame 2014
The College of Arts and Sciences inducted six new members into its Hall of Fame Oct. 10, 2014, with a ceremony at the Singletary Center for the Arts, bringing the current totals to 38 alumni and 13 emeritus faculty A&S Hall of Fame members.
2014 Alumni Inductees:…