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Year-End letter From Dean to Faculty and Staff

Dear Friends,

As the 2011-12 academic year comes to a close let me thank you for all the incredible work, dedication and commitment you have exhibited throughout the year.  Without a doubt, our faculty and staff rival those at the most prestigious institutions in the country. 

Over the last year we have welcomed and educated a record-number of new students; we have successfully launched a new general education curriculum (UK Core) and a new residential college (Wired); we have made progress on shortening time-to-degree through our online and summer school initiative; we have greatly expanded our international efforts through faculty exchanges, short-courses, new education abroad programs, and our passport to the world initiative (Year of China); among many, many other successes. 

Our faculty and staff have been recognized by countless national organizations and agencies, as well as by the University community.  The following are just a handful of the many successes achieved this year:

WIRED Living Learning Community

Incoming Freshman are encouraged to apply to live in UK's A&S Wired dormitory located in Keeneland Hall. A&S Wired features a technology-infused curriculum designed around the concept of a 21st century liberal arts education. Students take 2-3 of the same courses, including eight-week interdisciplinary Wired courses and a first-year writing course, as part of a shared academic program that promotes communal learning. For more information:

Wired Coffee Chat With Dr. Melynda Price

Thinking about law school? Dr. Melynda Price of the UK College of Law will be giving a talk in the lobby of Keeneland Hall as part of the Wired Coffee Chat series. Dr. Price's research focuses on race, gender and citizenship, the politics of punishments, and hte role of law in the politics of race and enthnicity. FREE coffee, hot chocolate, tea, & snacks!

Wednesday January 25, 4:00p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Keeneland Hall Lobby

Wordcast #3: Twitter

In Wordcast #3, WRD 110 students Tyler Davenport and Elizabeth Kunnecke discuss the role Twitter plays in their reading and writing habits. Tyler and Elizabeth took their WRD 110 in the A&S Wired program, where all students use iPads in their courses. Yet, as they talk about in this brief interview, social media like Twitter can be useful for thinking about writing in lots of different ways.

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