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Food in China: Linking Research Projects with Study Abroad and Student Recruitment

 Dr. Wuyang Hu from the Department of Agricultural Economics in the College of Agriculture presents, Food in China: Linking Research Projects with Study Abroad and Student Recruitment.

Dr. Hu is interested in Agricultural Marketing and Consumer Economics as well as Environmental and Resource Economics. He has been awarded numerous local, state, and federal government funded projects to support his program. He has published extensively in leading agricultural economics journals as well as in other forms of popular press. Dr. Hu is involved in the KY consumer market study and works closely with food producers and assists them gather market data.

Niles Gallery in the Lucille C. Little Fine Arts Library

On The Move and Staying Put: Jennifer Hamilton

The educational rabbit-hole of entering the medical world can be a time consuming one. Often students feels that they don’t have time to squeeze in an elective of their choice — much less a semester abroad. Jennifer Hamilton however, was able to study abroad twice while earning her undergraduate degree in biology. Hamilton attributes this achievement to her College of Arts and Sciences advisor who guided her through the study abroad process, helped with scholarships, while also keeping her on track academically.

Shoulder to Shoulder Global: an interview with Craig Borie and Vanessa Martinez

For ten years, Shoulder to Shoulder Global has been serving impoverished communities in and near Santo Domingo, Ecuador. In 2002, Shoulder to Shoulder Global went on its first trip to help people in need of medical care. Groups of students, healthcare professionals, faculty and volunteers have been visiting multiple times a year ever since. Though the group’s goal is to provide healthcare, any interested student or community member can participate. 

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