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Guest Lecture: Keith Gandal

As part of our Lecture Podcast Series, select lectures sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences are now available via ITUNESU. On January 27, Keith Gandal gave a talk entitled “Why the Vietnam Antiwar Uprising?: The Confluence Scholastic Meritocracy and Cold War Mobilization in a New Student Class”. In his talk, Gandal discusses the reasons why the Vietnam War, unlike previous wars, sparked antiwar protests and draft dodging among young Americans.

A&S Week: Focus on UK

With 17 departments, 14 interdisciplinary programs, and 26 majors, the College of Arts and Sciences is one of the oldest and largest colleges at the University of Kentucky. A&S Week, coined AweSome Week by this year's organizers, is an opportunity for people to celebrate the liberal arts education experience at the University of Kentucky. Mary Beth Johnson, who serves as one of the coordinators of AweSome Week, discusses what this year's celebration will entail.

Council Forum on Haiti Reconstruction: Matheny & Israel on the State of Healthcare in Haiti

On November 19th, 2010, the Council Forum on Haiti Reconstruction took place.  In a collaborative presentation, Dr. Samuel Matheny, the Nicholas J. Pisacano Professor and Chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine, and Dr. Israel (a graduate student form the College of Public Health) discussed the situation in Haiti and how the University can help.

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